In early Spring, Eleanor and Chauncey set up a bird feeder under the persimmon tree in their backyard. They had spent some time watching birds feast at the feeder in the backyard of their friends Trent and Olivia. They concluded that having a bird feeder was a good excuse for sitting and drinking coffee for as long as possible before doing anything productive.
Ginger & Macy |
One morning as Eleanor was drawing at the table outside, she looked up to see a few finches perched on the feeder having their breakfast. She watched as they flew off to the avocado tree, waited on a branch and came back down again to the feeder, tweeting periodically. Eleanor began imagining what they might be saying to one another.
Ginger: Hurry up, Macy, before the others come. You can get a good spot. You know what it’s like here when it’s crowded. You’re crunching on some seed and all of a sudden, WHAM. Another bird has slammed into you knocking you off your perch. I hate that!
Macy: I know. I was here yesterday and a chickadee just flew right up and landed practically on top of me. I had to get out quick. Like my mom always says, “A bird never flew on one wing.”
They have no fear. |
Ginger: Those chickadees. They have no fear. I’ve seen them on the ground even when the cat’s around. (She lowers her tweet to a whisper). I saw him go for one of the chickadees the other day. It was not pretty. Feathers flying all over the place. You know where he hangs out, don’t you? Over there. Where the humans eat.
Macy: As if we can’t see his paw hanging out. He must think we’re so stupid.
Ginger: You know what really gets me is those squirrels. They jump up on here and the feeder starts swinging like mad. By the time they’re gone, there’s nothing left for us birds.
Macy: I guess you have to be up with the lark if you want to eat.
As if we can't see his paw hanging out. |
Ginger: And what’s up with that titmouse? Have you seen him? He is all over the place. I see him hiding out in the roses looking around before he swoops in but only for a second. It’s like he’s spooked or something. He’s gone before he takes a bite.
Each bird sings with his own throat. |
Macy: I feel sorry for him. But, each bird sings with his own throat. Hey, after we’re done here, let’s go for dessert at the fig tree. The figs are just ripening and they are sooooo sweet.