Sunday, April 22, 2012

Pussy in Chinatown

Chung King Road

Last night, Eleanor and Chauncey headed south for Chinatown to the opening of Coagula Curatorial, their friend Mat’s new art gallery. The featured artist, Tim Youd, was known to Eleanor and Chauncey as the guy who drew vaginas but called them “cunts.”

 Chauncey was well prepared for the opening. He had read Mat’s articles about the art he was presenting, watched a video of the artist talking about his work while sitting on the toilet (the artist not Chauncey) and engaged in several email conversations with artist friends about Tim Youd’s focus on female genitalia.  Eleanor concentrated on what she was going to wear.

When Eleanor and Chauncey arrived at the gallery on Chung King Road, there was already a crowd of about 100 people. By the end of the evening, there was likely to be 1,000. Chauncey was happy to have arrived early and gotten a parking space.

Tim Youd's Coney Island of the Mind
Inside, people were quietly looking at large and small drawings of vaginas with lots of pubic hair and orange colored labia. There were also wooden structures in box shapes with humorous drawings of Henry Miller on them and words scrawled in black ink. Chauncey clarified for Eleanor that Tim Youd had been inspired by Henry Miller’s book Tropic of Capricorn. Eleanor realized she should have done some more research before seeing the exhibit.

Getting a handle on it
Handles were attached to some of the shorter box structures so that the boxes could be rotated by hand. Eleanor saw a girl of about 8 take hold of a handle to turn the box. It was something she could do to distract herself from the clearly adults-only art on the walls. The handles were Eleanor’s favorite part of the show. There was also root beer in tubs which, according to Chauncey, was the best root beer he had ever tasted. From a previous meeting with the artist, Chauncey knew that in addition to drawing “cunts”, Tim Youd made and bottled his own root beer, Margot’s Bark.

After viewing the show, Eleanor and Chauncey emerged from Coagula to have some champagne and cake with other guests in the alley. The cake, called “Super Cunt” with chocolate shavings serving as you know what, was cut by the artist. Eleanor noticed the strawberries were still frozen. Chauncey’s response was, “You start to think everything’s intentional.”

Cutting the cake
As they wandered away from Chung King Road in search of food, Chauncey and Eleanor heard a man say, “Now, I actually want to read Tropic of Capricorn.” Eleanor thought to herself, “I bet you do.”

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